Principal Message

Principal Message

It is my great honour and privilege to take up the responsibility of the Principal at C.F.C Public School - to lead the school into an era of excellence, reliving its glorious yesteryears and ushering in a golden future.

My heartiest thanks to the Management, staff and students for the heartfelt warm welcome extended to me as I was whole-heartedly enveloped back into the C.F.C family.

As I take up this huge responsibility, I realize I have a lot to learn and I come with an open – minded approach. My motive and commitment will always be the progress of this school, my teachers and my students.

In the days to come, you will notice changes in many aspects of the school, but I can assure you that they will all lead in only one direction - betterment.

Progress will come, slowly and steadily. Within a few days, I have noticed the deep- rooted dedication in my teachers, the willingness to improve in my students and the palpable excitement in everyone around to do all in their ability to bring about a positive and lasting change.

This observation has been the spark that promises me a glimpse of the bright future. With God Almighty by our side, success is assured. With all of us – management, teachers students and parents being one in thought and action, nothing is impossible. Together we can and will achieve unfathomable heights in the days to come.Placing my trust in Him and committing all my ways unto Him I would like to conclude with a Bible verse which has been the backbone of this institute.

‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.’

Priya Simon
