Director Message

Director Message


Laziness is the biggest enemy of a person who wants to be prosperous and do well in life. In the Bible book of Proverbs 20 :13 says, "Do not love sleep or you will grow poor, stay awake and you will have food to spare".

Everyone needs sleep and rest, but if it becomes more than what you need it is called laziness. For a lazy person everything is difficult and less interesting. They see everything like a big mountain. They can never progress or achieve anything in their life. They can never be blessed and can never be a blessing to anyone. But a person who stays awake has a goal to reach or achieve, for such a person nothing is impossible. He is ready to walk any extent to achieve his goal. He will progress in his life. He will be blessed and he will be a blessing to others. There is a saying; God helps those who help themselves. In other words, God helps and blesses those who are not lazy.

We have a best example in Dr. Daniel Abraham, the Founder Director of Christian Fellowship Centre. Who 57 years ago in 1959 as a young man from Kerala landed in Ludhiana and he had a goal, by trusting in God he worked hard and God helped him and blessed him and today we have a big blessed ministry called Christian Fellowship Centre, through which God made him a blessing to many. Even till his last breath, he remained an inspiration and blessing to many. Thank God for his exemplary life. Let me repeat - Stay awake and you will have food to spare.

Wishing you Good Luck

Bishop George Joseph
